The Best Sites for Freelance Writers Looking for Extra Income

Leo Serafico
4 min readAug 28, 2019


Photo by Christian Dubovan on Unsplash

I’ve been freelance writing for a little over 3 years now and has offered my services to multiple websites. I still remember the night the first time I Googled, “how to become a freelance writer.”

Just recently, I’ve managed to quit my 9–5 job and become a full-time freelance writer:

There are many websites that pay freelance writers good money for their articles, depending on word count, niches, and experience.

I’ve made many friends along the way that share the same passion that I have for writing and it’s true, not every writing job is for you but we would have never knew that if we didn’t try.

Here are some of the best sites for freelance writers looking for some extra income:


A little over three years ago, my broke ass self decided that I wanted to try becoming a freelance writer. This website is where I landed my first ever client.

I think I was paid $10 for a 500 word article about dogs, which is not too shabby of a gig. It could’ve been a 2000 word article and I’d still accept the job.

It’s about dogs for goodness sake! I have 11 of them!

They have many job listings for freelance writers, you can just snoop around and find the most appealing to you.

Writers Weekly

Writer’s Weekly is a website mainly focus on writing niche. This website shares about all kind of jobs and opportunities for online writers and freelancers.

It also offers short writing contests, if you’re down for it.

Writers Weekly pay $40 per 400 words article or $60 per 600 words articles.

You can contact them by sending an email. If they accept, you can keep writing articles to make money.

Income Diary

This site is mainly about making money online, social media, search engine optimization, content writing, web and blog designing.

They will accept high standard articles related to the topics they listed on their website. You need to write an article and submit to IncomeDiary.

IncomeDiary gives one more benefit to its writers. They will publish your article with your name as the author.

This article will be sent to all of their subscribers and social media followers. Sometime your article may get visited by millions of people too. A backlink from this website is like a medal to your site.

If their team accept your submission, then they will pay you around $200 per each article.


This website accept articles about marketing, business productivity, and growing tips.

They pay up to $200 to its freelance writers for 1000–2000 words article.


Babble has a wide range of topics like travel, food, style, beauty, parenting, pregnancy and more.

They will accept articles related to the above topics and pays $100 — $150 per post they accepted.


This site welcomes articles and guest posts from various niches but they have their own process of accepting articles from freelancers.

Their payments are high ranging from $250 — $400 per each article. You can apply anytime but they will contact you on mail when they need you to write for them.


They pay up to $200 per an article about parenting, health, faith, and politics.

You can contact them about your topic.

Barefoot Writer

Barefoot Writer mainly focuses on content writing, freelance writing tips, and career tips for writers.

This website pays $100 per each article related to the above topics.

A Fine Parent

A Fine Parent pays $100 per each article about parenting related topics.

You need to sign up for their website and you have to wait until your term comes from the waiting list.

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

I’m sure there are many others that offer good gigs to writers but this is just a few that my friends and I have tried and can attest to.

If you’re having a hard time looking on where and how you should submit, most of the time there’s a ‘contact us’ clickable at the bottom of their page.

If you just started out on becoming a freelance writer here are something you may need to read:



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