Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

A book by Deepak Chopra

Leo Serafico
5 min readOct 25, 2019
Photo by Sayan Nath on Unsplash

Deepak Chopra, MD serves as the Founder and Chairman of The Chopra Foundation, Co-Founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing and is a world-renowned author about life, wisdom and self-reflection.

I’ve been struggling with reading books these days. I have a stack of books to read but every time I try to get one going, I always end up closing it and putting it back to the pile.

I went to the bookstore even though though I have a huge stack of unread books thinking that seeing a new book will get my motor running again. I really value reading in my life, so not being able to read really frustrated me.

Shelved with other books about spirituality and religion is a small yellowish book that caught my attention: Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra.

It’s not a long book, it took me 2 days to finish and found myself rereading it again. It’s a book full of wisdom regardless of your beliefs, I believe readers will get something out of it.

Here are my takeaways from Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra:

1. Law of Pure Potentiality

“When you are secure and grounded with the knowledge of your true self, you will never feel fearful or insecure about fulfilling your desires.”

The Law of Pure Potentiality states that at the core of being, we are pure awareness. We need to understand that we are made up of pure consciousness and therefore full of potential.

When we are aware of our true self, and let ourselves be aligned with the Universe, the possibilities are endless.

However, as we spend more and more time with the distractions this world has to offer, we become less connected to our true self.

Truly knowing our self is power on its own and through it and with the alignment of our self with the Universe, Pure Potentiality comes to help us magnetize what our heart desires.

2. Law of Giving and Receiving

“To give, you must receive. To receive, you must give.”

Not to get too religious but this reminded me of a Bible verse that was instilled into me through years of Sunday school:

“To whom much has been given, much more shall be required.”

This law talks about the dynamic and reciprocal exchange of everything in the universe. It is a flow of energy and in order to receive, we have to give.

Give abundantly in order to receive and when you meet others, give love, kindness, compliments, blessings, well-wishes.

Although, self-reflection is key. We must be aware of our intentions when giving. It’s imperative that we always give with a joyful heart.

3. Law of Cause and Effect (Karma)

“Everything that is happening in this moment is the result of the choices we’ve made in the past.”

Karma is the law of cause and effect — like the old saying, what you sow is what you reap.

We, as individuals, choose how we’ll react to people and circumstances. Most of us have repetitious and predictable responses to our environments and we forget we have a choice about whether and how we react.

From the time we become conscious of our actions, we begin to make changes to our thoughts and behavior.

“You future is generated by the choices you are making in every moment of your life,” Chopra says.

4. Law of Least Effort

“Let nature’s intelligence unfold spontaneously. When the time is right, your time to flourish will arrive.”

This law isn’t talking about sitting on your couch the whole day and wait for the graces of the Universe to make you successful — this is why aligning yourself with the Universe is important.

This law talks about accomplishing more by doing less. Doing less in the sense that we shouldn’t be caught up with things that’s out of our hands — things that we can’t control. This is just letting our energy flow to the wrong channel.

Always remember the moments we experience are moments we were meant to experience. We have to learn to accept the circumstances that come.

When met by obstacles, it’s important to think positively and focus on what we can do instead of stewing in negativity.

5. Law of Intention and Desire

“Quality of intention on object of attention orchestrates an infinity detail to bring about the intended outcome.”

This law is based on the fact that energy and information exist everywhere in nature. In fact, at the level of the quantum field, there is nothing other than energy and information.

The quantum field is just another label for the field of pure consciousness or pure potentiality, and this quantum field is influenced by intention and desire.

To put this simply: what we put our attention on, we attract. Take active and massive actions on your intentions to achieve what you desire.

We have limitless potential to achieve and when our intention and desires are released into the field of pure potentiality, manifestation occurs because attention energizes and intention transforms and triggers.

6. Law of Detachment

“The way to acquire anything in the universe is to relinquish our attachment to it.”

This might be counter intuitive for some, but this law talks about giving up attachment to the outcome based on unquestioning belief in the power of self.

By letting go of attachment, we subdue the ego which is based off fear and insecurity and let go of the idea of how things “should be”.

Then we can seek the wisdom of uncertainty and allow ourselves to be flexible, creative and fluid with our mindset.

7. Law of Purpose in Life (Or Dharma)

“Everyone has a purpose in life — a unique gift or special talent to give to others, and for every unique talent and expression of that talent, there are also unique needs.

When we blend talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our spirit. This is the goal of all goals.”

This law is commonly talked about, I’m sure you’ve heard variations of this all throughout your life, but this law often remains as information rather than action.

There are three components to the Law of Dharma:

  1. Discover our true self — we are spiritual beings.
  2. We are here to express our unique talent.
  3. We are here to serve.

The Law of Dharma implies more than seeking work that we love; it implies our unique destiny, our place in the cosmic plan.

It implies a shift in consciousness that begins when we align ourselves with our highest vision, and then become the manifestation of that vision.

Ask yourself: If you have no concerns in this world — no kids to take care of, money isn’t an issue, and you’re free to do whatever your heart desires — what would you do?



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