How to Make Sure Everybody Hates You

5 toxic traits that will surely make everyone want to stay away from you.

Leo Serafico
4 min readAug 10, 2022
Image made by the author

It’s a valid argument that some people will easily hate you more than like you. Let’s face it, there are judgmental freaks out there and sometimes you’re one of them too.

Human beings make judgment calls as a way to survive. Oh, what’s that? Your neighbor is a rumored human trafficker? Better not have tea in his basement.

Nowadays, judgment calls toward people are made to surround ourselves with like-minded and positive individuals.

It’s the era of only allowing good people in our lives. At least, it is in mine.

If your judgment affects nobody but you, I say judge away. But, there are qualities and traits of people that are universally disliked. One of them that’s not mentioned below is chewing with an open mouth. Yuck.

Qualities that will make sure everybody hates you

Do you have that looming feeling that everyone hates you? If you continuously do the 5 points below, then they just might.

Never admit your mistakes

Have you ever been partnered up with someone who never admits their mistakes whether in class, at work, or in a relationship? — because that’s the worst.

More often than not, people are egotistical. Even just simple debates about something so small can get so heated because no one wants to admit they’re wrong.

Personally, this is also a struggle. Man, I hate being wrong, but what I found throughout the years of consistently being wrong is this: If you’re wrong, it’s far better to admit it.

When everybody knows you’re wrong and you won’t admit it, that’s just embarrassing for you.

Always complain

A Stanford study suggests that complaining, and being complained to, for 30 minutes or more can damage your brain.

With that, people who complain too much are physically harming those around them and themselves.

Do you really want to be one of those people?

Admittedly, I also love to complain to my friends about things going on in my life or even just about my favorite TV show.

Though, being a perpetual complainer is a different story. Some people will make constantly complaining their personality.

Try to practice gratitude instead, especially in the early morning to start your day.

According to Harvard Health, gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.

Try to always have everything your way

This is a sign that someone is controlling, and may even be one of the traits of a narcissist.

There could be several reasons why someone wants everything done their way, among them are:

  • They love themselves too much
  • They’re just really selfish
  • They get a kick out of others following them

In other words, toddlers disguised as adults.

Keep asking people to go along with whatever you want even though they clearly don’t want to. That’ll teach them to never hang out with you again.

Don’t respect people’s boundaries

Setting boundaries is a hard skill to learn, even as an adult. That’s why so many don’t know how to respect them — they don’t know what they are.

Whenever I see online videos of kids being taught to state their boundaries and respect others, I feel some sense of hope and a little jealousy. Boundaries weren’t a thing in my house.

Keep overstepping people’s boundaries by talking about topics sensitive to them. Maybe start with their weight or their height, they’ll surely have something resembling hate toward you.

Talk about people behind their backs

My father didn’t get a chance to teach me a lot about life but one thing I remember him telling me was this:

“If you talk behind someone’s back, make sure you can say those things in their face too.”

It’s not the most perfect teaching, but it’s solid.

People who talk behind others’ backs usually have nothing better to do or they just don’t have any personality.

I remember one coworker who could only keep a conversation going if they were talking about other people. That’s lame.

Talking behind people’s backs will come back to bite you. Keep doing it and you will earn a bad reputation, and no one will confide in you again.

You’ll be stuck with friends who just tolerate you.

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