All-Natural Remedies for the Soul
Contrary to the norm these days, not everything that helps a person heal comes from a bottle of pills or a bucket of alcohol.
While this make me sound like an alchemist of some sort, I’m not downplaying the effects of modern medicine. I think it’s great that we have come this far in terms of medical technology and healthcare.
Some people turn to vices to ease the pain, and I’m no stranger to this habit as well, but what we must know is that alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes are only temporary relief and may cause further damage to our body and mind.
The world is beautiful and can offer all-natural remedies to soothe our hurting souls. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of thing, we just have to navigate and figure things out for ourselves as in most of our lives.
Here are all-natural remedies that might help:
I’m not a firm advocate of the saying, “time heals all wounds.” Maybe time heals some or even most wounds; maybe fun times make us forget that we’re bleeding but it’s not a supplement for every wound.
That statement makes me sound like a pessimist but I assure you I’m not — I’m a realist.
But there are wounds in my life that at one moment I thought would always remain but as time passed by, I just woke up one morning and realized it doesn’t hurt at all.
Give yourself the time to heal.
I have a weird thing where I cry at like really sappy commercials and one time, because of Master Chef Jr. but I struggle to cry whenever there’s something actually worth crying about.
But after a good cry and maybe a nap, I feel so much better. Most often that not, it’s best to just let it all out rather than keeping it in til we explode — my therapist said that’s something I need to work on.
Have a good cry then get back on your feet and let the world know you’re ready for it again.
Our programming due to our nurture is very hard to reboot. I’ve been programmed to look at things in a logical aspect, and while that doesn’t sound too bad, I’ve come to realize there are other things I need to consider.
Seeing things in a new perspective may take us out on the ditch we’re stuck at, ask a friend for advice to get a fresh set of eyes on things.
It’s kind of like the saying,
“Every failure is an opportunity to learn.”
Let’s all try to look at the bright side of things.
To get a new perspective on things, sometimes we need space for ourselves just to set things right in our minds.
This is something I frequently need. My mind gets filled up with so much thought that if I don’t give myself space from everything, it’s going to get loud and ugly up there.
It’s not selfish to space yourself out from friends or family, if they truly care for you they’ll understand — mental health is important.
An empathic listener
While spacing yourself out from people may help, sometimes what we actually need is for someone to listen and care about our problems.
Be careful who you share your problems to though, not everyone cares. Some just wants the latest gossip.
A new adventure
One of the new things I’m getting to right now is travelling solo. It’s not that I was afraid of new adventures, it’s just now that I’m older I have the freedom and the resources to.
A new adventure can give us the feeling of freedom and ownership of our lives, it’s a good way to get in touch with yourself again if you need to.
Life is full of ups and downs and that’s just how it is. The list above is to give you general ideas on how to help yourself in a way but in all honesty, everything is trial and error.
Not all those things will help you and maybe not even one, but if that’s the case I hope it sparks something within you — an idea on how to cope with life.
If you’re suffering or think you’re suffering from a mental health disorder please seek help. Talk to a loved one if you’re not ready for a professional — take a step at least.
With all that being said, I still think life can be wonderful regardless of everything it throws at me.