A Beginner’s Guide to Free Keyword Search Tools for SEO

Find the best free keyword search tools — because no budget doesn’t mean compromise for your SEO.

Leo Serafico
7 min readJun 12, 2022
Pile of papers with SEO data for free keyword search on a wooden table.
Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash

Free keyword search tools are going to be your best friend if you’re a beginner in SEO aiming for more clicks or views on your website and articles.

Living in this tech and digital marketing era has given willing learners every resource on the Internet to acquire the knowledge of what they want to learn.

Search Engine Optimization or SEO can be overwhelming for someone who is just beginning to learn it, but just like most trades, it’s just practice and getting familiar with SEO tools such as keyword finders.

Wanting your articles or website to rank on Google doesn’t mean you have to lavishly spend your money on SEO tools.

Here is a recently published (2022) well-performing article thanks to free keyword search tools for SEO:

How can keyword search tools help your blog or website…

