5 Ways to Make Money Online

Leo Serafico
4 min readJan 28, 2020


We all know there are more but let’s start with 5

Photo by Ishant Mishra on Unsplash

If you’ve been with me on this little blog I have on here, then you’d know that I’m pro working at home.

I mean, it just makes more sense. No traffic, no loud co-workers in the morning, I have unlimited tea, and I don’t have to get out of my pajamas.

Although, I know not every job has a work-from-home equivalent, I’m assuming you’re reading this because you’re just a little bit curious on how to make money online, whether you want to do it full-time or just want a few extra cash on your shoe box.

If you’re a writer like moi, here’s an article that is geared a little towards us:

and if you’re in an office job and want to get your bum out of there, maybe this will help:

Ending that short commercial break,

Here are 5 ways to make money online:

1. Social Media Services

Man, everybody seems to be running a small business nowadays, right? And in this day and age, a business will have a hard time growing without social media and you know it.

Although, not all people are adept with social media and that’s where you can come in. If you’re good at marketing and with the socials then you’re good to go.

2. Good at something? Teach!

Try looking for sponsors on webinars that you’d like to host that also charge a small fee for attendees. Just write down a good pitch if you’re down for this!

Heck, you don’t even need to find sponsors if you can find interested people in whatever you’re going to teach; but that’s just my opinion.

3. Sell stuff online

I got to tell you, my sister was pissed at me when she came home from work one day and I sold her old clothes online so maybe try selling JUST your own stuff.

There are lots of platforms you can do this on like eBay and even Facebook:

4. Create an agency

This has been on my mind for a long time because I think it’s pretty doable and a good stream for money.

One of the perks when starting out an agency is you don’t even need a physical space. The World Wide Web is your office.

If you’re good at something, offer it as a service, hire some people to do jobs for you and get a percentage out of it.

5. Become a virtual assistant

When you’re first starting out in this freelance/work-from-home world, it can be quite daunting especially if you’ve just taken a leap of faith.

I know writers who made becoming a virtual assistant their cushion when they’re having a hard time making money from writing and I also know people who stuck by the job because they enjoyed it.

Photo by Leon Seibert on Unsplash

The truth is there are no instant ways to make millions. Otherwise, I’d be on my yacht writing this and not in a basement.

We just got to choose how we’d want to work our ass off.

Is it doing something you love or making millions of money? If you can get the best of both worlds, then you’re one of the lucky ones.

As long as I’m alive though, I won’t stop until I’m part of that statistic and if you want the same, as long as we’re both alive the game is still on.



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