5 Game of Thrones Scenes That Still Hurt My Heart

Yes, I’m still writing about Game of Thrones.

Leo Serafico
4 min readAug 3, 2022

Warning: Spoiler alert

A cartoon-like depiction of the iron throne with a red dragon beside it and at the corner, a white wolf howling.
Image unfortunately made by the author

Another one of George R.R. Martin’s books has landed a spot on TV but everyone already saw this coming — Game of Thrones was a phenomenon, literally.

The new show is from his book Fire & Blood and is a prequel to the Game of Thrones storyline. This one was set 300 years before Game of Thrones.

But before moving on to the new, let’s give tribute to one of the best TV shows of all time. Yes, I said it and I stand by it.

Don’t you just miss the Game of Thrones era?

Thank the old gods and the new that Game of Thrones happened before the pandemic.

Back to the good old days when bars were having weekly showings of the series, and people were just drunk together with no worries.

When the trailer of the new show was released, I immediately thought of re-watching all 8 seasons of Game of Thrones.

Although, it is a completely different storyline hopefully it still has what Game of Thrones did best — character development.

It has been a while since the series ended and when I re-watched the show, it was like my heart broke for the characters all over again.

5 Game of Thrones Scenes That Still Hurt My Heart

1. Hodor’s “Hold the Door” Moment


Hodor has always been the one protecting Bran, making sure he gets to that magical tree he was always raving about.

Let’s be honest Bran was useless 97% of the time. Hodor literally carried him and his arc line.

So when it was revealed why Hodor can only speak his name, I bawled my eyes out. He deserved better.

Question: Did Hodor know that was his end since he was a kid or did he just figure it out when he was holding the door?

2. Theon Greyjoy abandoning his sister Yara


Theon Greyjoy arguably had the worst time in this series.

He’s been through a lot, to say the least:

  • His dad started and lost a war, and gave him to the Starks.
  • Betrayed his Stark family to just lose Winterfell and be a prisoner.
  • Got his dick cut off.

But no matter what Theon did his sister Yara was always there for him. She tried to save him from Ramsay. She accepted him back to the Iron Islands.

Yet, when Euron held a knife to Yara’s throat he jumped off the ship and left her — like the coward that he is.

The look of hurt and betrayal in Yara’s eyes during that 2-second shot: Priceless.

3. When Jon Snow died


After Jon Snow was hailed Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, he made questionable decisions that lead to some of his men betraying him.

For thousands of years, the Night’s Watch has been guarding the 7 kingdoms from what’s beyond the wall until he decided to let them in — the wildlings.

Obviously, he did the right thing morally and practically. They would need them to fight the Night King.

He didn’t deserve to get stabbed by his own men, but I get it.

4. When The Hound finally got his revenge


Sandor Clegane, also known as The Hound is hands down my favorite character in Game of Thrones.

His backstory was good, and the way he carried pain and anger all throughout the show was spectacular.

There is depth to his character, despite his hard outer shell. Even before his death, he saved Arya by urging her to get out of the tower.

In the end, he got his revenge at the cost of his own life, and I would like to think he’s satisfied.

I still wanted him to make it to the end, though.

5. The Red Wedding


The Red Wedding is probably the most talked about scene of the whole series. Well, maybe it’s one of those very inappropriate sex scenes but that’s for another article.

It’s shocking, it’s provoking, and it’s heart-wrenching.

The king and his men, a pregnant woman, and a mother of 5 were all slaughtered by someone that invited them to his home.

No one saw it coming.

I could still see it in my brain — Robb Stark’s body with a dire wolf head riding a horse while men cheered. It’s sick.

Game of Thrones prequel: House of the Dragon

The Game of Thrones hype is still alive. People all over social media are gearing up for Game of Thrones’ prequel — House of the Dragon.

House of the Dragon is the story of a Targaryen civil war set 300 years before Game of Thrones.

While it is hard to top the talented casts of Game of Thrones, its prequel is looking good in the hands of the new actors.

Watch House of the Dragon’s trailer here.

Season 1 of House of the Dragon is set to premiere on August 21, 2022, on HBO Max.

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